I have a new short novella series coming soon - The Belle Series.
This series takes place in the fictional town of Aves, North Carolina. The first story is Belle and Valentine and is the story of Zuria Belle and Fane Valentine. The second story is of Sam Belle, Zuria's adopted brother, and Tondi Jaeger. The third story is Nichelle Raine and a hero with the last name of Belle. I know who he is but not his first name yet.
I'm really excited about this series and hope my readers will be too. The first two stories will be out in May. The last one will be out in June. As soon as I have more information, I will share it on my blog.
Belle and Valentine - Contemporary Erotic Romance
Belle and Jaeger - Shifter Erotic Romance
Belle and Raine - Shifter Erotic Romance
Will these book be available in paperback? You know that I need these for my collection!