Sunday, August 24, 2014

I Saw The Signs

So, I saw this on Amazon when I was looking up my book. I thought it was funny, but I also thought it spoke to where I am right now.

There is a ridiculous amount of people writing IR right now, and it's not a bad thing because hey, we need variety. Lately, I've written a lot all close together, and I don't want to keep doing that. So, I'm going to have a few months break (I think) between my books in the series I started. Next month, September 19th, Creed will be out. The next book in that series probably won't be seen for another six months. :( I will have Heart's Masquerade out in October, but then that's all the Tressie you'll see until like I said six months. Hopefully.

I need the break because for the past few weeks, I've been dealing with some issues, and I need to work them out. I haven't been on Facebook, and I might not get on there for a bit except to announce a book release. I hope my readers understand. Meanwhile, there are many wonderful authors out there. Maybe to keep things happening here, I'll feature an author or two. We'll see.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. See you soon.


  1. Nnnnnnnoooooo. I love all of your books and I look forward to your releases so close together :( Haters are everywhere but you can't them get you down... Sigh this is going to be a long ass 6 months (angry face)

    1. Aw, thanks, Alesha. Don't worry. It won't seem like six months. I have Creed coming in September, and Heart's Masquerade coming in October. Then in February next year I have How to Avoid a Billionaire. I'll be back at it before you feel like you missed anything.

  2. Waiting to get Creed on Amazon. I will miss you during your break but I plan on reading and re-reading your books. I have quite a few to read (new fan!!!). Take care and see you (and your fabulous characters) soon!

    1. Thanks, Goldie. It'll be on Amazon live by tomorrow. I'll still be around generally.

  3. Any chance you're coming back from sabitical early? Lots of trash being published. No shade to others art but sex and no story is just porn (just saying)....

    I would love to read some of your quality work.... come back already lol

    1. Aw, thanks, Alesha. Lol. I'm actually going to be working on Damen, the second book in the Marquette Family series next month. Probably the earliest it will be out is sometime in March.
